MP4 to JPG

Convert online and free MP4 to JPG

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  1. Upload file
  2. Choose target filetype
  3. Download file!
convert .mp4 to .jpg
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Converting videos to still images is easy. Just upload your video and choose "JPG" as the target format. Our tool generates a thumbnail from your video at the specified time. You are welcome to use our premium converter to generate still images from multiple videos. It happened quickly: stayed too long on the record button on the iPhone or used the camera in video mode: Short videos were created instead of pictures. With our tool for converting mp4 to jpg this is also not a big problem and quickly solved without installation or download.

7.0/10(8 votes)

Information about the extensions for the conversion from MP4 to JPG

From: MP4

MP4 is a container format that can include multimedia content such as video and sound tracks, graphics, 2D and 3D animations, subtitled texts, interactive applications in the form of menus, and much more. Despite the strong compression, a file in MP4 …

File extension: .mp4
More information and converters for MP4


The jpg, or JPEG, file format is used for images. It is often used for digital photos, and for images displayed on the internet. It is a common format that can be opened by most computers, tablets, mobile phones, and other devices. Saving an image …

File extension: .jpg
More information and converters for JPG

Video-Tutorial: MP4 to JPG is a service for converting files online from one type to another. We take care of your privacy and take care of your files. As a part of this, there's no registration required on As we're offering our service in a browser, it does'nt matter whether you use Windows, Apple OS X or Linux. Your conversion results will always be at the same, very high quality and of course, without watermarks.

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